I bet you thought I forgot about my beautiful “Scream Supreme Collection” now that the 4th season of American Horror Story is over – nope!
This is Delush Polish “Rubberman”, inspired by the first season of American Horror Story. It’s a deep black jelly with holo glitters embedded. Instead of going slick and shiny, I decided to go matte with Zoya Matte Top Coat. I started with Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat, then two coats of “Rubberman” and then one coat of Zoya Matte. It looks amazing, except for the Zoya Matte got a little crusty around my cuticles – blah. The formula is great – the first coat was thin and I was afraid it would be streaky, but the second coat created perfect full coverage.
Only one more Delush to try out…I need buy MORE……