Tag: Walgreen’s

On Wednesday, We Shop at Walgreen’s (and Ulta)
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Sinful Colors were 5/$5 this week – only 6 weeks or so since the last sale!
I set aside my entire Wednesday to Walgreen’s hop, so I’d be sure to find Halloween polishes. As luck would have it, I found most of the 2018 Halloween Collection, “Conjured Color”, at the first Walgreen’s. I picked up “Witch, Please”, “Mist-erious”, “Bitten”, “Bad Witch”, and “Spellbound”. Score! I also grabbed a few Wet N Wild Liquid Catsuit Liquid Lipsticks from the Halloween Display – “Bewitched” and “Shady Witch”. No “Zombie Blush” in the Halloween Display though. I didn’t realize it, but I had accrued $10 in Bonus Bucks – Score again!
I hit three more Walgreen’s in search of “Zombie Blush” – nothing. (That might sound like a lot of driving, but it was a really tight circle in the Richmond/Katy area. Plus, I drive a Hybrid, so…) I made a quick stop at my Ulta, but no luck there…at first. I immediately spied an OPI Grease Collection Mini Set ($10.97, down from $14.50) and grabbed it for Lily (and myself, I admit). I was about to leave, when I checked a random aisle of hair ties and stuff…and there was the Wet N Wild “Zombie Blush” Display!!! It was $5.99, plus I grabbed another Halloween Liquid Catsuit – “Pink Your Poison”. I hate when ulta has the lame 20% off one item coupons. I couldn’t use it on a clearance item, so I got 20% off my “Zombie Blush” – a measly $1.20 off. At least they have a 3x points for Platinum going this week.
The “Zombie Blush” is amazing! It looks like a grungy grey-green in the pan, but shifts to a rusty reddish shade on your cheeks or eyes. Be warned – a little goes a long, LONG way. It is reminiscent of the color shifting shade in the “Plaid to the Bone” Quad I got a while back.
On a side note, on Friday, I went to a fifth Walgreen’s, still searching for more colors. I found 4 polishes, plus the Matte Top Coat from the “Radical Matte” Collection…but when I went to check out and this collection wasn’t included in the sale. I had to walk away…

About Dang Time!
6 months…6 months I’d been waiting for Sinful Colors to go on sale at Walgreens! The last sale was in February!
Finally, they went on sale this past week – 5/$5. I took this opportunity to get the whole Limited Edition Neon Collection: the pink is “Safari No Sorry”, the tangerine one is “Off Tropic”, the green one is “Palm Down”, the blue one is “Poison Arrow” (just like the frog!), and the violet one is “Amazon Woman”.
I found these on Monday. I also wanted to pick up some Halloween polishes, but the location by my work didn’t have many – I needed another 5! I stopped by two more on the way home from work – no Halloween displays.
On Wednesday, I had to stop by the Walgreens by my surgeon’s office for waterproof bandages, and again – no new polish displays.
On Friday, my son had a headache after Schlitterbahn, so we stopped at a Walgreen’s in Seguin. No new displays there either.
I swear, it’s a fucking conspiracy.

Influenster Vox Box – Pantene Foam at Walgreens
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten an Influenster Vox Box – over a year!
I qualified for the Pantene Foam at Walgreens Vox Box. Influenster sent me a full size bottle of Pantene Foam Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner, complimentary for testing purposes. I am happy to test a conditioner, since I have far more samples of shampoo than conditioner stacked in my shower.
When I first started using it, it was very, VERY hard to get past the initial impression – which is rubbing shaving cream in your hair. Once you start working it in though, it feels nothing like shaving cream. As it melts into your hair, it feels more like a regular conditioner. I really like how it makes my hair feel, moisturized, but not weighed down. Some conditioners make my soft, but limp, but there was still a bunch of bounce in my hair with the Pantene. This is a really nice product.
It remains to be seen as to whether I will permanently add this product into the rotation, but it is a distinct possibility.
All June at Walgreens, you can BUY 1, Get 1 50% Off Pantene Products. Plus, get a $5 Off digital coupon (available on the Walgreens app or Walgreens.com) when you EITHER Buy 2 Pantene Foam Products OR Buy Any 3 Pantene Hair Products. If you REALLY want to stack the deal, you also get $3 in Walgreens Reward Points when you buy any 3 Pantene Products.
Thanks Influenster!

Off My Game
I must be off my game – when I picked up some polishes with my candy after VD, I accidentally bought a polish I already had – Sinful Colors “You Just Wait”. I didn’t check the site – I had bought it on Black Friday 2016. Oops.
Receipt in hand, I head back to different Walgreens. I was hoping for a different polish selection. It wasn’t fantastic, but it was enough for me to get some new polishes.
I ended up exchanging “You Just Wait” for “Pink Smart”, a plain pepto pink creme. I also found a new Sinful Colors Base Coat and Lily helped me pick three new polishes. I got “Starry Eyed” (looks to be left over from 4th of July), “Coco Bae” (a shimmery nude), and “Rise & Shine” (turquoise with a faint shimmer). I checked the site this time – I don’t have any of these.
Oh, and we also made the mistake of trying one of the new Diet Cokes – Zesty Blood Orange. Holy crap, did that stuff taste HORRIBLE. It was a cross between Alka Seltzer and EmergenC, plus that horrible aspartame aftertaste. I couldn’t even finish half of it. Blech.

To VD or Not VD…
Who am I kidding? We ALWAYS VD.
I had planned on using my fancy gold rose nail decals for a VD mani, but Lily really wanted to design matching nails for us, so I decided to have some fun with her. I did decline to let her paint my nails – sorry, hun.
I was shocked that she started with Sinful Colors Base Coat. I think I am finally rubbing off on her! She selected Sinful Colors “Sugar Sugar” and “Surreally Sweet” as alternating base colors. She assured me that I had to go with one coat of “Sugar Sugar” and two coats of “Surreally Sweet”. (I knew she was wrong about “Sugar Sugar”, but I let it go. As soon as I started with the top coats, I got bald spots – easy to fix though.) She showed me how to do an ombre of the two colors on my middle nail – it worked fantastically!
She picked Sinful Colors “I’m All In”, “Kissful Thinking” and Funky Fingers “Queen of Hearts” as toppers. “Kissful Thinking” is on our middle fingers, with “I’m All In” on our thumbs and ring fingers and “Queen of Hearts” on our index fingers and pinkies.
The finishing touch was Glisten & Glow Top Coat. Oh, did I mention that we were watching The Monkees the whole time we painted? I got her hooked!
Nails aside, the REAL holiday at our house is February 15th. You know why.
We didn’t buy our kids a goddamn thing for VD. But immediately after school on the 15th, we loaded them into the truck and hit Walgreen’s. $10 each goes a long way when all the candy is 50% off!
I ended up spending more like $20 on myself, but I got the best stuff – Lindt Truffles, Russell Stover (the Elegant Collection, not the regular ones) and Godiva. This is just spoiling myself really, since my husband already brought me Bailey’s Strawberries & Cream and a bunch of European Chocolate from work. (Unfortunately, the special Loot Crate I ordered him in November hasn’t made it yet….boo.)
I was also treated to 3/$5 Sinful Colors! This store had a pitiful selection, but I did find 3 new colors – “Rorange” (red + orange?), “You Just Wait”, and “Sucker Punch”. I looked for a Sinful Colors Base Coat, but they didn’t have any…so weird.
I had amassed a $5 credit, too. I don’t even know how I did that. Who knows, but I LOVE Walgreen’s!

Sometimes, Only Walgreen’s Will Help
Sometimes, only a lunchtime trip to Walgreen’s will help you get through the day.
Last Friday, I decided that I couldn’t risk waiting for a sale to get Sinful Colors “Undead Red”, from this year’s Halloween Collection. I passed up the rest of the collection – I don’t need another red creme or another glow in the dark polish with impossible to retrieve glitter. $1.99 well spent.
I also finally tracked down Twix Dark…I’ve been searching for these, every time I check out at the grocery store or go to a gas station. Finally.
I also grabbed a new hairbrush for my son’s glorious locks. His sister wouldn’t let him borrow her brush (I gave her the Tangle Teezer), because he said he doesn’t have a brush. I dug around under his sink and found the EcoTools Brush I gave him and he said it doesn’t work – sorry Influenster. I had to prove him wrong, as I brushed his hair with it…as he scowled like the almost-teenager he is. Whatever, I can afford $3.99 for a plastic bristle brush.
Not pictured, the two Coca Colas I also picked up – “Patterson” and “Christina”.

Unicorn Soul
Just a quick note to tell you about more of the unicorn makeup that I just cannot resist…
Last week, I was perusing the new wet n wild Halloween Collection at Walgreen’s (maybe I was shopping for gifts…shhhhhh…). They had lots of crazy liquid lipstick colors for Halloween – black, white, blue, green, orange, wine…but the only one that caught my eye was the Liquid Catsuit in “Boo Blue”. It looks to be a dupe of either Jeffree Star “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” or “Jawbreaker” – I cannot tell. I’m not sure what I’m going to use it for, but at $4.99 – why not?
“Boo Blue” is cool, but I’m really excited about the wet n wild Megalast Lipstick in “Unicorn Soul” ($3.99). It’s an iridescent purpley-blue, a perfect match to “Let Your Twilight Sparkle”. It’s also like a mood lipstick – it subtley pinkens your lips while you’re wearing it. EVERYONE needs this lipstick.
That is all, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Hypnotic Transforming
Sometimes, you just gotta pay full price.
I had been seeing Sinful Colors‘ new collection of Hypnotic Transforming Top Coats and I had to have them all…and I was willing to pay the full price of $1.99 each. On the way back from dinner, I scammed my husband into letting me “pop” into Walgreen’s. We drove by a Walgreen’s in Richmond that I’d never been to…lo and behold, there is a pristine display of of the top coats I am looking for!
I grabbed all five: “Redrum” – red, “Rebel Rebel” – blue, “Concrete Jungle” – gray, “Purpunk” – light lavender, and “Punk the Town” – plum. These polishes appear to be a step beyond crackle top coats – they make bubbles and streaks. So excited to try them!
Ultimately, I didn’t end up paying full price for my polishes – I had $5 in Walgreen’s points from their Beauty Enthusiast program. I’d finally spent $50 on beauty products there.
I was also pleasantly surprised to find this year’s new Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor”: “Crispy Taco”, “Everything Bagel” and “Fried Green Tomatoes”. I even found my sister’s first and middle name on Coke bottles. This was a very productive trip!

Ten and One to Grow On…
It’s about fucking time Walgreen’s. I’ve waited so long for another Sinful Colors sale. Hypothetically, I guess I could have missed a sale…I’m not as eagle-eyed as I used to be…but the last sale I was able to participate was last Black Friday!
Like last time, it was 5/$5 – so I had to find a store with a good selection. The first two Walgreen’s that I hit were picked over – they didn’t have many of the new collections. The third store had a better selection – I was able to pick five good polishes…but none of the collection polishes rang up for the sale price. I made sure that I didn’t grab any Sinful Shine or Kandee Johnson polishes, but they wouldn’t fix the prices, so I left empty handed.
The fourth store made it up to me. I grabbed several polishes from this year’s Valentine’s Day Collection – “SWAK: Sealed With A Kiss”: “Kissful Thinking” (1st), “It’s About Valen-Time” (3rd), “Break Dance Not Hearts” (4th), and “Readie or Not” (5th). The last polish I picked (pictured 2nd) is a new core collection polish called “Jam Out”.
I couldn’t just stop at five. The next day, I hit a fifth Walgreen’s. I was in luck – this one had different collections. Whereas my first batch was pink and purple, I went blue and green. It wasn’t intentional, but it kind of worked out. I ended up getting six, because one was already on clearance for 99 cents – “Peri-Twinkle” (5th) from the 2016 Holiday Collection, “Bow-lieve In Magic”.
“Starlight” (1st) and “Cherish Me” (2nd) are from the new “Moon Metals” collection. “So Daupe” (3rd) and “Jade Kat” (6th) are also new core collection polishes. I did grab one from the new fall collection “Back to School: #GetBright – “Under the Inbluence” (4th).
This purchase pushed me over the $50 mark in Beauty Enthusiast points – I have $5 off my next purchase.
I’m hoping I don’t have to wait until Black Friday to see another Sinful Colors sale!

Black Friday Haul
I usually stay far, far away from stores on Black Friday – I am too delicate to get trampled to death! Oh, I shop…online. I ordered a few things on Thanksgiving Day, but I don’t think I actually got anything online on Black Friday.
I made a special exception this past Black Friday – I ran by Walgreen’s to take advantage of 5/$5 Sinful Colors Nail Polish. As per usual, my closest Walgreen’s didn’t have any of the new Holiday polishes – fuck ’em. I dragged Logan to the one across from HEB and they had them.
I picked up a core collection polish that I’d never noticed before – “You Just Wait” and 4 of the Holiday polishes – “Flake Out”, “Star Studded”, “Velvet Ribbon” and “Holly At Me”.
Time for Xmas manicures!