Category: Books

Dead to the World
My first Lemming Lacquer! I chose Lemming Lacquer “Dead to the World” from August 2024’s “Book Covers” Polish Pickup. It’s inspired by one of the best (IMHO) books in Charlaine Harris’s Southern Vampire Mysteries Series, AKA the True Blood books. It’s the one where Sookie is dealing with the nekkid, memory-wiped Eric the Vampire.
“Dead to the World” is a deep blue/black jelly based polish, filled with shifting shimmer. It is somewhat similar to Zoya “Lilith”, which only shifts to pink.
This is two coats of “Dead to the World” over Cuticula Mic Drop Base Coat in “Melt Down” and under Cuticula Limitless Top Coat in “Champagne Toast“.

A Little Saturday Haul
Last Saturday, Lily wanted a haircut and I had just gotten my $25 off Beauty Services Voucher from Ulta for achieving Diamond Status, so we turned it into a whole day with Taco Bell and shopping…
While she was getting her hairs did with my coupon, I decided to use my free product coupon to pick a new foundation. Ulta expanded the eligible items, so I landed on Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation + Concealer in “Breeze” (regularly $40). I was initially going to try their new Serum Foundation, but the saleslady explained that it is HEAVIER than regular foundation, and I definitely don’t need that. It’s a perfectly serviceable concealer that matches my existing products. Cool, cool.
The ColourPop x Stranger Things collab is already on clearance, so I snagged the ColourPop Stranger Things Chapter One Eyeshadow Palette ($13, down from $26). It’s got a lot of outrageous 80s colors and glitters, so perfect for how I am feeling these days. I also snagged another Zuru Mini Brands x Ulta Ball ($9.99). I want that damn mini Naked Palette! I didn’t get it this time…but I will. At least I got to use a $3.50 off $15 coupon.
Bath & Body Works had $2.75 Wallflower Refills, so I ran in and got 10. Most are “Rose Water & Ivy”, but I picked a few other scents to go with.
Our last stop before our mandatory shopping Blizzards was checking out Katy Budget Books, which is a local version of Half Price Books. It’s a great store with an awesome staff! No hate to HPB, but there isn’t one close. The closest one is all the way in Sugarland! I found a retro (is early Y2K can be considered retro) crocheting book called The Happy Hooker and I snagged the Star Trek Cookbook for my husband…and all the recipes are inedible. At least 50% of them involve organ meat. No one in the house is brave enough to try Klingon Brain Stew.

February Beauty Box 5 – ???
So this month’s Beauty Box 5 didn’t come with an insert, so I have no idea what the theme is supposed to be. Why is a little thing like that so annoying to me? I wonder if it just didn’t make it into MY box…or if they are cutting costs by leaving them out? Hmmmm…
Inside this month’s mystery box…Hemp Nation Moisturizing Body Wash with Hemp Seed Oil (will this make me fail a piss test?); StarLooks “Sultry Sangrita” Luxe Longwear Lip Pencil (isn’t sangria usually red?); Manna Kadar “Fantasy” (I have no idea if this is eye shadow or bronzer or blush – it doesn’t say on the back); Epic Blend Lip Balm in “Hemp Raspberry Pomegranate” (am I sensing a theme here?); and Elizabeth Mott Thank Me Later Eye Shadow Primer (I got some in my December ipsy bag as well).
Not a bad box…but still missing my card. I neeeeed it!

Book Review – Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
I’ve been signing up for Birchblogger giveaways for months and I was totally psyched when I found out that I was picked to receive a free copy of the Birchbox Book Club’s August Pick – Is Everyone hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling. Even though I don’t watch her new show, I LOVED her on The Office. Kelly Kapoor was one of my favorite characters on the show – mostly because she had zero shame and gave zero fucks. (Creed was also one of my favorites – for the same reason!)
Mindy Kaling’s book is styled as a series of essays covering her childhood, Ivy League education, her career getting off the ground and general obsession with her weight. I don’t know that any female celebrity could write a memoir (a truthful one, anyway) that doesn’t mention how much they miss eating food. I was disappointed that there was no “dirt”. No raunchy tales of previous boyfriends or badmouthing of co-stars. The closest she came to “dirt” was describing her time working on show with an unnamed “psychic” who I can only assume was John Edwards. She is utterly respectful of this “psychic’s” complete bullshit, saying that even though she didn’t believe, he really was helping people cope with the loss of their loved one. I’m guessing she signed something?
I can’t compare Mindy’s book to those of her peers (funny ladies, anyway) – Tiny Fey, Chelsea Handler, Margaret Cho, etc…because I haven’t read most of them. I have read The Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman, but Mindy and Sarah have little in common, except of course demoralizing experiences writing for SNL. Although both ladies lay bare embarrassing tales from their childhood and how their cultural backgrounds differentiated them from their peers, Silverman’s underlying self-loathing is a essential to her self, whereas Mindy’s occasional self-loathing is used as a punchline. I get the idea that Kaling’s self-esteem isn’t quite as bad as she lets on, but she plays neurotic to get laughs.
Mindy is an exceptionally clean writer (well, maybe PG-13) for this day and age. (I guess if I’m comparing her to Sarah Silverman, she’s really G rated.) I don’t know that she intentionally targeted high school girls as an audience, but this would be a perfect gift for a high school girl struggling to find herself – Mindy even says so in the book! That being said, I still enjoyed the read…and as I’m in my mid late 30s, I’m officially as old as dirt.
Bring Mindy Kaling to SNL this season…I’d love to see her get a hosting gig.