Tag: Macy’s

Big Girl Makeup
After using Cover Girl powder foundation for the last few years, I decided to take Dr. Delta’s recommendation and pick up some MAC Powder Foundation, or as I call it – “Big Girl Makeup.”
“Big Girl Makeup” is makeup that you can’t buy at Wal-Mart or the Grocery Store. Horror of horrors, I actually had to go to a Macy’s to buy the stuff. It’s not like this is the first “Big Girl Makeup” that I’ve used. I used Bare Minerals for a while when I the mineral craze hit – 2006? I used it for a while, but then as I got further past 30, the minerals began highlighting my crow’s feet. I switched to Mary Kay mineral foundation, which is lighter (and cheaper), but again, I felt like my aging skin needed more coverage. I went back to my old faithful from college – Cover Girl powder foundation – around the beginning of 2011.
On a side note, when I did a clean application Saturday night and presented myself to my husband – he said I looked pasty. I know he’s not used to seeing me in thicker makeup, but I’m also thinking that I had been wearing the wrong color of Cover Girl. I had gotten a decent tan after a few vacations in 2011-2012 and went a shade darker than when I was in college, but it might have been time to go lighter. I’d noticed quite a few pictures giving me a darker face than my neck recently, but I won’t know if I got the right shade of MAC until I take more pics…I am naturally rather pasty anyway.
I let the salesgirl talk me into buying $40 primer with my $27 powder foundation, after she tried some on my face and it did a fair job of masking my humongous pores. (Julep Blank Slate might be better though – I need to compare?) I even tried the primer underneath the Cover Girl this morning and it was better than without…but still not as full coverage as the MAC.
If I don’t end up sticking with MAC, I’m going to try Clinique. My mom always wore Clinique and so does my BFF. I’ll continue to chronicle my adventures in “Big Girl Makeup”…