
Believe it or not, I still have a bunch of Julep polishes that I haven’t tried yet – at least a dozen or so!

This is Julep Boho Glam “Marika”, stone matte metallic, from the January 2016 box. Yes, it’s been sitting in my “untried” basket that long!

I am out of Julep Base Coats and it looks like they will not be restocking, which pisses me off. I keep checking the site periodically, but no luck so far. I used Glisten & Glow Base Coat, which is fine, I guess. This is two coats of “Marika”, topped with Glisten & Glow Matte Top Coat. I feel like the Matte Top Coat made it kind of cloudy, if that makes sense? I feel like the polish looked crisper and more saturated without the top coat, but what can you do? I went without a top coat for literally DECADES, but now I am a full believer.

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