Tag: Seche

Thanksgiving Day Shopping
Oooohhh! My Thanksgiving orders came in at the end of last week! I didn’t even wait – I did all my ordering on Thursday. Shipping is definitely getting slower and slower.
Ulta was offering a free 9 pc gift with a $50 order, so you know I hit that shit. The only thing I really needed was another Ulta Ultra Slim Brow Pencil in “Dark Brown” ($10), everything else was just extra.
I do, however, think I’ve found my “forever” shampoo and conditioner – SheaMoisture Peace Rose Oil Complex Nourish & Silken Shampoo and Conditioner (normally $11.49, but on sale – buy one, get one 40% off). This is the scent I’ve been waiting my whole life for – rose shampoo and conditioner! And it makes my hair feel AMAZING. So soft and so shiny. It’s pricey, but I’m not even mad. This is THE ONE.
Oh, I ordered some other small odds and ends for the kids’ stockings. One of those things got me a free sample of Seche Vite! I’ve been wanting to try it for ages.
The free 9 pc bag was full of Ulta goodies: an eyeshadow palette (love the purpley colors), a highlighter palette, a blush brush, a double ended eye liner – “plum” and “blackout”, a Matte Lip Crayon in “Soiree”, an eye liner sharpener, Tinted Eye Primer in “Satin Blush”, and Color Rush Lip Gloss in “Olivia”. Oh, and a $5 off $15 coupon for Ulta products.
I was only a little annoyed that my sample pack was not included in my order.
I also got my Victoria’s Secret order. Someone always ends up with one of their robes as a gift from me – shhhh…don’t tell!
No one wants to see a pile of bras, so I’ll stick to the important stuff.
Since all the lippies were on sale for $8, I added one to plump up my order – I gotta get that free tote bag! I got a Velvet Matte Cream Lip Stain in “Perfection”. Yeah, they transfer onto anything and everything, but they still last all day on my lips.

A Wild and an Untamed Thing
I’m a wild and an untamed thing. I’m a bee with a deadly sting.
The second I finished my nails, I thought of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. At first I thought COLUMBIA, but there wasn’t any gold. Then I realized – FLOOR SHOW. My nails remind me of the corsets from the Floor Show. I really should do a manicure for every character in Rocky Horror, although I’m too lazy to do plaid for Dr. Scott.
Instead of starting fresh, I put the glitters on top of Seche “All Lit Up”. The darker is Revlon “Brilliant Bordeaux” and the redder is Revlon “Ruby Ribbon”. Again, I topped with Sally Hansen Diamond Flash. I am learning about topcoats…slowly, slowly.
Yes, I know that the cuticle on my middle finger is fucked up. Don’t remind me…

All Lit Up
So this is Seche “All Lit Up”.
In the bottle, it looks like deep crimson with gold shimmer, but when it I actually got it on my nails, it became more berry colored and the gold shimmer disappeared. Because it’s dark outside, I had to take the picture in my bathroom and the color looks quite a bit darker than in sunlight.
This is my first experience with Seche and I was impressed by how smoothly it applied and how quickly it dried.
Coincidentally, this is the EXACT color of my underwear. TMI? You’re welcome.

Is Ulta Addiction a Thing?
The DSM-5 needs to be updated to include the very first case of POCD – Polish Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I could make some psychiatrist’s whole career!
Ulta is a weekly thing with my BFF and I, but while in DFW for Texas Frightmare Weekend, we realized that our other friend had never stepped foot inside an Ulta. We had to remedy that immediately! (To be fair, I passed 2 Ultas while I was walking around in Downtown Chicago and I did NOT go in – most of my co-workers were dudes, so I controlled myself…)
While my BFF had her eye on stila concealer, I was content to browse the clearance aisle. The Irving Ulta has a kickass clearance section. I picked up 4 polishes…
Sally Hansen Gem Crush “Lady Luck” – fuchsia and silver holographic glitter – for 69 cents. I really LOVE Gem Crush and will own them all someday.
Orly “Purple Poodle” – fuchsia with a blue shimmer – for $4.99, and Orly “Masked Ceremony” – Steel with silver shimmer, fuchsia highlights and silver chunks – absolutely spectacular and $3.99. I’ve never tried Orly polish, so I’m intrigued.
Seche “All Lit Up” – fuchsia with gold shimmer – for $3.99. I’ve never tried Seche either.
So on top of saving approximately $18 on the clearance polishes, I also busted out a $3.50 coupon from my email. My total was $11 even. Now THAT made the OC in me REALLY happy!