Finger Herpes


So…Sally Hansen Miracle Gel doesn’t mix with other polishes – I found out the hard way.

I was tired of looking at my Hubba Bubba nails and I was feeling lazy last night and didn’t feel like taking it off and starting over. I unwisely decided to try slapping Sally Hansen “Fruit-Ta-Ta” on top of it. Oh NO. BAD IDEA.

“Fruti-Ta-Ta” is annoying as hell. The dots are very sparse and it’s impossible to get good coverage without gooping it on. As soon as I started gooping it on, it started to bubble. The chemical reaction started immediately – the regular polish MELTS the Miracle Gel. In addition to the rippling bubbles covered with pink, red and black dots…it was sticky. I sat on the coach and watched Fashion Police for AN HOUR and it still wasn’t all the way dry. I gave up and went to bed, hoping for the best.

When I awoke this morning and looked at my hands, the only thing I could think was FINGER HERPES. *sigh*

I can happily report that at least Miracle Gel is easy to remove. It melted right off, although it took a bit of scrubbing to get the dots off.

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