
A photo posted by Lara (@knobbygirl) on

I have so many teal polishes, but I didn’t have teal jelly…Julep “Naveena” from this month’s Julep box fixed that right up.

I started with Julep Oxygen Bonding Base Coat. I painted two coats of “Naveena” and then finished with “HK Girl”. My first impression was that “Naveena” has more coverage than a jelly – it’s more of a crelly, creme jelly. Two coats gave nearly full coverage, but my nail line is still quite obvious. The coverage wasn’t exactly streaky – it was more like watercolor paint, settling around the edges, with thin spots in places. There was strong shrinkage around the edges after topping with “HK Girl”, but nothing awful. I also noticed a plague of bubbles underneath the “HK Girl”. They weren’t there last night, but maybe I put on the top coat too soon?

When I googled “Naveena”, I found an Indian Slasher film actress…I didn’t even now that they watched horror movies in India. I need to get out more…

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