Tag: Ballasox

Zoya Threedom
I tried to time it so that my mailbox didn’t fill up while I was gone on vacation. In addition to the Ballasox I ordered from Amazon (I want Tieks, but I don’t want to pay for them), my Zoya Threedom order was waiting for me! Finally!
Over 4th of July Weekend, Zoya was offering any 3 polishes for FREE, with $12 shipping. An odd promotion, but a smoking deal. I picked 2 Pixie Dusts and a Magical Pixie Dust – $30 value.
I chose “Godiva” – a soft nude with a sugared sparkle, “Chyna” – a red dazzle with a sugared sparkle and “Bar” – a glittery nude topaz. I know – what’s with all the nudes? I couldn’t help it, they look like sugary deliciousness…