Tag: Virtual Vox

Influenster Virtual Vox – Ice Cream Stock-Up
So…I joined Influenster. Influenster is a site that links to your Social Media accounts. You can participate in campaigns to trial products and programs, in addition to giving opinions on products, services and entertainment on their website. Sometimes, you have a chance to get free stuff. They even do whole boxes of free stuff. I figured I could give it a spin to try it out…
The first thing I qualified for was the Ice Cream Stock-up Virtual Vox. Influenster sent me a coupon for a free box of ice cream from Target – score! I was a bit disappointed that the coupon I got was for Fruttare and not Magnum or Klondike. Luckily, Target was having a “Buy 3, Get 1 Free” sale…
You know that commercial where Rachel Bilson is stuck in a traffic jam, but then she goes berserk and carjacks an 18 wheeler full of ice cream bars? Totally realistic, because Magnum is that fucking good. I only buy them when they’re on sale AND I have a coupon – even at $3.49 each on sale, that’s pretty pricey when there are only 3 in a box.
Obviously, I bought 3 boxes of Magnum and used my free Fruttare coupon, so really – I got 2 free! Fruttare is actually pretty good. I got Coconut & Milk – there were chunks of real coconut in it!